Sunday, October 19, 2008

Suitcase Stylings: Destination Riyadh

In case you were wondering, I still am waiting on word to find out where I end up but until then I decided I would save all my destination shopping links by starting a stylings set for all the destinations that are under consideration. Riyadh is as con, as a girl can get, but what can be mor glam than an overhead abaya, veil and gloves?! Because you are so conservative on top, you can be as sexy/lazy as you like underneath. Saudi women love to play up their look with shoes, designer bags and jewelry. My mad recipe for Riyadh (put together by my stylist Pixie): Take one overhead abaya, wear a stringless flip-style niqab over-top (to keep it modern, don't tuck the niqab in), pair with satiny stretch gloves and big rings and a sparkly cuff overtop of the sleeve and fingers.
Egyptian overhead (from a reliable company) for $39.99
Just a note to other women going to KSA and using my posting here as a prep tool: I am a Muslim woman and I like the face veil. You do not have to cover your hair or your face if you visit Saudi, and you can wear whatever abaya style you like, not just an overhead one. No one will really care, and you abaya can even be coloured, but then you might draw too many flirters so excercise brilliant colour with caution.


Scott McLean said...

Hello! It's nice to read about what you are thinking and what's going on there. Take care and best wishes to you.